Scholarly Work
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Zaboski, B. A., Joyce-Beaulieu, D., Kranzler, J. H., McNamara, J. P., Gayle, C., & MacInnes, J. (2019). Group exposure and response prevention for college students with social anxiety: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 75(9), 1489–1507. Read More…
Zaboski, B. A., Merritt, O. A., Schrack, A. P., Gayle, C., Gonzalez, M., Guerrero, L. A., Dueñas, J. A., Soreni, N., & Mathews, C. A. (2019). Hoarding: A meta-analysis of age of onset. Depression and Anxiety, 36(6), 552–564. Read More…
Flores, C. G., Valcante, G., Guter, S., Zaytoun, A., Wray, E., Bell, L., Jacob, S., Lewis, M. H., Driscoll, D. J., Cook, E. H. Jr., & Kim, S.-J. (2011). Repetitive behavior profiles: Consistency across autism spectrum disorder cohorts and divergence from Prader–Willi syndrome. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 3(4), 316–324. Read More…
Kim, S.-J., Silva, R. M., Flores, C. G., Jacob, S., Guter, S., Valcante, G., Zaytoun, A. M., Cook, E. H., & Badner, J. A. (2011). A quantitative association study of SLC25A12 and restricted repetitive behavior traits in autism spectrum disorders. Molecular Autism, 2(1), 8. Read More…
Kranzler, J., Flores, C., & Coady, M. (2010). Examination of the Cross-Battery Approach for the Cognitive Assessment of Children and Youth From Diverse Linguistic and Cultural Backgrounds. School Psychology Review, 39. Read More…
Coady, M. R., Cruz-Davis, J., & Flores, C. G. (2009). Personalmente: Home–School Communication Practices with (Im)Migrant Families in North Florida. Bilingual Research Journal, 31(1–2), 251–270. Read More…
Reid, A. M., Flores, C. G., Olsen, B., Barthle, M. A., Rahmani, M., Rakhshani, A. C., Nguyen, M., Geffken, G. R., McNamara, J. P. H. (2015). Therapist non-avoidance of sexual obsessive-compulsive symptoms during exposure and response prevention. In E. A. Storch & A. Lewin (Eds.), Clinical Handbook of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders: A Case-Based Approach to Treating Pediatric and Adult Populations. New York: Springer.
Guzick, A., Reid, A. M., Balkhi, A. M., Flores, C. G., Hancock-Smith, A., Olsen, B., Geffken, G. McNamara, J. P. H. (2015). Phenomenology and Psychiatric Epidemiology of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Adults. In J. Abramowitz, E. A. Storch & D. McKay (Eds.), Handbook of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Across the Lifespan. New York: Wiley.
Flores, C.G. (2006). Gifted children and reading. In C.R. Reynolds & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Special Education, A Reference for the Education of Children, Adolescents, and Adults with Disabilities and Other Exceptional Individuals: Third Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Oral Presentations
National & International
Gayle, C., Mariaskin, A., Mier-Chairez, J., & Wheeler, J. (2021, October 8-10) Diversity, equity, and inclusion: providing effective treatment for all [Conference Session] IOCDF Online OCD Conference, Virtual. https://web.cvent.com/event/7a62b476-7d41-4453-8ff4-478a9c57ac02/summary
Gayle, C., Yip., J., Haider, S., George, J. R., Parlor, J. (2018). Do’s and Don’ts When Treating OCD with Multicultural Families. Presented at the International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation Conference Annual 25th Conference, Washington, D.C., in July 2018.
Gayle, C. Carson, T., Guerrero, L., Duenas, J., Ulmer, K. (2017). A Multidisciplinary Approach Towards Evaluating and Treating Those with ASD and OCRDs. Presented at the International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation Conference Annual 24th Conference, San Francisco, CA in July, 2017.
Carson, T., Gayle, C. , Guerrero, L.m Mathews, C. (2017). A Multidisciplinary Exposure Therapy Approach to Treating Auditory Sensory Over-Responsiveness. Presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research Annual 16th Conference, San Francisco, in May 2017.
Gayle, C. G., Barthle, M., Hancock-Smith, A. D., Cooke, D. Pregnancy and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: The State of the Field and Future Directions. Presented at the International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation Conference Annual 23rd Conference, Chicago, IL, in July, 2016.
Joyce-Beaulieu, D., Flores, C. G., Parekh, N. School-based Applications of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. Presented at the National Association of School Psychologists, Orlando, FL, in February, 2015.
Flores, C. G., Barthle, M., Reid, A., Olsen, B., McNamara, J. P. H. Perinatal and Postpartum Onset of OCD: Current Research and Future Directions. Presented at the International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation, Los Angeles, CA in July, 2014.
Joyce-Beaulieu, D., Flores, C. G., Parekh, N., Poitevien, C., Kraul, K. Cognitive Behavioral Counseling Skills for Effective School Based Interventions. Presented at the National Association of School Psychologists, Washington, DC. in February, 2014.
Balkhi, A., Reid, A., Flores, C. G., McNamara, J. P. H., Callahan, C. OCD +: Treatment Considerations for Patients with Dual Diagnoses. Presented at the International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation, Atlanta, GA, in July 2013.
Flores, C. G. Youth Who Crossover from Foster Care into Delinquency and Outcomes. Presented at the National Association of School Psychologists, San Francisco, CA, in February, 2011.
Kranzler, J.H., Flores, C. G., Coady, M. Examining the Cross-Battery Approach for Assessing Diverse Children and Youth. Presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Conference, Boston, MA in February, 2009.
Flores, C. G., Egan, B., Harachi, T., Briney, J., Hawkins, D. A Look at the Relationship Between Peer-Individual Risk and Alcohol Use: Protective Factors as Moderators in 6th and 10th Grade Students. Presented at the Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, in May, 2006.
Flores, C. G., & McClure, F. Multi-type Maltreatment in CSA Victims and their Roles in Adjustment. Presented at the 2004 California McNair Scholar’s Symposium at UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, in August, 2004.
Local & Regional
Flores, C. G., Guerrero, L. A., Gonzalez, M, Hancock-Smith, A. D. Treatment Considerations for those with ASD and Co-morbid Anxiety. Presented to the Florida Association of School Psychology Annual Conference, Palm Harbor, FL, in November, 2016.
Hancock-Smith, A. D., Flores, C. G., Smith, M., Gilchrest, C. Academic, Social, and Psychological Implications for Gay-Parented Families. Symposium presented to the Florida Association of School Psychology Annual Conference, Palm Harbor, FL, in November, 2016.
Hancock-Smith, A.D., Smith, M.L., Flores, C. G., Schrack, A. Helping and supporting transgender youth in the schools. Symposium presented to the annual Florida Psychological Association of School Psychologists Conference, Palm Harbor, FL, in November, 2016.
LaPuma, T., Joyce-Beaulieu, D., Flores, C. G. School-based Cognitive Behavioral Techniques for Social Anxiety Disorder. Submitted to the Florida Association of School Psychology Annual Conference, Palm Harbor, FL, in November, 2016.
Zaboski, B., Hippchen, L.E., Flores, C. G., Joyce-Beaulieu, D. Treating Social Anxiety Disorder: School Refusal Prevention. Presented to the Florida Association of School Psychology Annual Conference, Palm Harbor, FL, in November, 2016.
Flores, C. G. & Soutullo, O. Implementing Habit Reversal Therapy in Schools: Tourette’s and Tic Disorders. Presented at the Florida Association of School Psychology Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, in October, 2015.
Flores, C. G. & Soutullo, O. Treating Social Anxiety Disorder with Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Exposure Response Prevention. Presented at the Florida Association of School Psychology Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, in October, 2015.
Flores, C. G., Hancock-Smith, A., & Parekh, N. Habit Reversal Therapy for the Treatment of Tic and Tourette’s Disorder. Presented at the 40th Annual Florida Association of School Psychologists, Sarasota, FL, in November, 2014.
Flores, C. G., Hancock-Smith, A., & Toledano, S. Understanding Challenges for Children and Youth of Lesbian and Gay-Parented Families. Presented at the 40th Annual Florida Association of School Psychologists, Sarasota, FL, in November, 2014.
Joyce, D., Flores, C. G., Parekh, N., Poitevien, C., Waldron, N. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Basics for School Psychologists. Presented at the 39th Annual Florida Association of School Psychologists, Orlando, FL, in October, 2013.
Harbor, R., Perez, L., Flores, C. G. Assessment, Intervention, and Outcome Monitoring of Adolescent Psychopathology. Presented at the 38th Annual Florida Association of School Psychologists, Orlando, FL, in November, 2011.
Flores, C. G. & Rosenthal, A. Using the Restorative Justice Model in Schools as a Method for Reducing and Preventing Violence. Presented at the 37th Annual Florida Association of School Psychologists Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, November, 2010.
Joyce, D., Sulkowski, M., Jones, D., Flores, C. G. RtI Tier II and III Applied Counseling Strategies. Presented at the 36th Annual Florida Association of School Psychologists Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, in November, 2009.
Bell, L. & Flores, C. G. Adolescent Substance Use Disorders. Presented at the 34th Annual Florida Association of School Psychologists Conference, Daytona, FL, in November, 2007.
Coady, M., Flores, C. G., Cruz-Davis, J. Issues facing migrant families. Presented at the International and Comparative Education Event, Gainesville, FL, in November, 2006.
National & International
Rakhshani, A., Reid, A. M., Stacey, B., Flores, C. G., Olsen, B., Nguyen, M., McNamara, J.P.H. The Impact of Parental and Child Disgust on Pediatric OCD Treatment Outcome. Poster presented at the 2014 meeting of the International Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Foundation (IOCDF), Los Angeles, CA, in July, 2014.
Reid, A. M., Fernandez, A. G., Balkhi, A. M., Chou, M., Deacon, B., Flores, C. G., McNamara, J.P.H. (July, 2014). Treatment Utilization Patterns for the Treatment of Pediatric OCD in the United States. Poster Presented at the meeting of the International Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Foundation, Los Angeles, CA, in July, 2014.
McNamara, J. P. H. Ballkhi, A. M., Reid, A. M., Flores, C. G., Bertone, A. Geffken, G. (July, 2013). Creating a Winning Team: Training at the University of Florida OCD Program. Poster Presented at the meeting of the International Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Foundation, Atlanta, GA, in July, 2013.
Fernandez, A., Reid, A.M., Balkhi, A., Chou, C., Deacon, B., Geffken, G., Flores, C.G., & McNamara, J.P.H. Current Approaches to Pediatric Anxiety Disorder Treatment: A Preliminary Analysis. Poster presented at the University of Florida 15th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Gainesville, FL, in March, 2014.
Fernandez, A., Reid, A.M., Balkhi, A., Chou, C., Deacon, B., Geffken, G., McNamara, J.P.H., Flores, C. G. The Effects of Therapist Anxiety and Disgust Sensitivity on Exposure Therapy Implementation for the treatment of pediatric anxiety disorders. Poster presentation at the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference, Miami, FL in February, 2014.